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Donau Touristik
Lederergasse 4-12,
4020 Linz

Route Google maps

Opening Hours
April - Oktober

The MS Kaiserin Elisabeth (max. of 600 passengers) is one of the loveliest ships operating on the 2880 km long Danube. It offers spacious open decks with deck chairs, the latest technology and friendly service. The 31-member crew fixes all the meals fresh and in season using regional ingredients.

DAY TRIP by ship from Vienna INTO THE WACHAU
Travel by ship to this UNESCO World Heritage landscape! The heuriger wine tavern was a creation of Empress Maria Theresia and has been a popular institution ever since. In the Wachau, there are four different alighting points to choose from. The best wines in Austria can also be sampled here. Visitors to Dürnstein can climb up to the castle ruin for fantastic views of the area. In Krems the caricature museum is a popular stop.

DAY TRIP by ship from Vienna TO BRATISLAVA
A 69 km stretch of the Danube links the capital cities of Bratislava and Vienna. Bratislava has a population of 453,000 and offers a host of sights all located within walking distance of the ship. Bratislava Castle with its commanding position above the city and St. Martin's Cathedral are both worth a visit, as are the Primate's Palace with the National Gallery and an array of palaces (Pálffy, among others), not to mention the many cafés and shops.