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LOISIUM WeinErlebnisWelt & Vinothek

  • LOISIUM Weinerlebniswelt
  • LOISIUM WeinWelt & Vinothek
  • LOISIUM WeinWelt
  • LOISIUM Weinerlebniswelt
  • LOISIUM WeinWelt & Vinothek
  • LOISIUM WeinWelt

Have you ever asked yourself how the wine gets into the bottle and what a winemaker has to do all year round? You can find the answers to these questions in the LOISIUM WineExperience located in Langenlois, Lower Austria. Amongst the vineyards nosy parkers have the chance to discover the fascinating world of wine within a labyrinth underneath the surface, which is 1.5 kilometres long and about 900 years old. A special highlight of the WineExperience awaits you in the basilica that can be found in the labyrinth, namely a lasershow with the title “GENIUSS – a journey with all senses”. The Lower Austria - Vinotheque & Sektotheque offers the delicious wines and sparkling wines for tasting and sale for farm-gate prices. The attached vineyard Steininger shows wine connoisseurs with what kind of state-of-the-art equipment wine is produced nowadays. The “10er Haus” is a renovated house with baroque style that shows the life of wine makers in the past. Since the opening in 2003 the LOISIUM has established itself to the centre for wine and culture in

Lower Austria. The fascinating combination of world-class architecture and the sensual mystic world of wine located underneath the surface is the heart of the LOISIUM. The LOISIUM WineExperience is open all year round, not depended on weather conditions and suitable for the disabled. Audio guides are available in different languages such as German, English, French, Spanish, Hungarian, Polish and Russian, as well as guided tours are offered in German, English or on request in Czech, Slovakian, Russian, Spanish and Italian. In our wine-seminar programme 2016 you can discover together with wine experts the world of excellent type of wines.


Prices groups
Für eine vinophile Reise nach Langenlois in der Gruppe, gibt es die Möglichkeit, den Audioguide gegen einen echten Guide auszutauschen. EUR 17.00 pro Person (inkl. einer Weinprobe) + Guidepauschale Weitere Weinproben auf Anfrage. Guidepauschale EUR 120.00 Bis 30 Personen Voranmeldung & Buchung über erforderlich
Prices individuals
Kellertour mit Audioguide EUR 17.50 pro Person (für Hotelgäste EUR 15.00) EUR 15.00 pro Person für Gruppen ab 15 Personen
Prices children
EUR 9.00 pro Kind (7 bis 16 Jahre)


  • TOP excursion destination
  • Quality Partner Lower Austria

Opening hours

Öffnungszeiten Jänner & Februar:
Vinothek, Shop & Verkostung:
MO & DI | Ruhetag
MI – SO | 10.00 bis 18.00 Uhr
WeinLounge | 11.00 bis 18.00 Uhr
Küche bis 17.30 Uhr

MI – SO | 10.30 bis 18.00 Uhr
Letzter Einlass 16.30 Uhr


24. & 25. Dezember

More details

Toilet facility
Café in the establishment
Suitable for wheelchairs
Regional products available
Suitable for bad weather